How-to-Do-Easy-Pose (Sukhasana)-in-Yoga-2021

How-to-Do-Easy-Pose (Sukhasana)-in-Yoga-2021
How-to-Do-Easy-Pose (Sukhasana)-in-Yoga
Image Source - Google | Owner

Proper Form, Variations, and Common Mistakes

Targets: Back, knee, ankle

Level: Beginner

Easy Pose (Sukhasana) is the name for any comfortable, cross-legged, seated position, and one of the most basic poses used in yoga practice and meditation. In this case, however, easy doesn't mean the opposite of difficult. It means "with ease." So, sitting in Sukhasana is sitting any way you can with ease. For some people, using props such as blankets, towels, and yoga blocks can help you feel as comfortable as possible in this pose

BENEFITS. How-to-Do-Easy-Pose (Sukhasana)-in-Yoga-2021

  • Calms the brain and reduces anxiety
  • Begins to open the hips for yoga practice
  • Stretches the knees and ankles
  • Strengthens the back
  • Relieves mental and physical fatigue

Step by step

  • Begin sitting on the mat with the sitting bones on the front edge of a firm cushion or folded blanket.
  • Cross your shins parallel to the mat, bringing each foot more or less beneath the opposite knee.
  • Press your sitting bones down to find length in the spine. Firm your shoulder blades in.
  • Place your hands on your lap or knees with palms up (more open), or down (calming).
  • Try to switch the cross of your legs each time you come into the pose.

Beginners’ tips

  • Sit up on blocks or cushions to lift your hips and lengthen your spine.
  • You can practice the pose with your back against a wall for extra support.
  • If your knees do not rest on your feet, bring your feet closer to your pelvis and allow your shins to lie on your ankles.
  • Place a folded blanket under the bony part of your ankles for extra comfort.

Common Mistakes

Sukhasana is a pretty straightforward pose, but it involves several parts of the body. To get the most benefits from the pose, and avoid discomfort and possible injuries, try these tips for fine-tuning the position.

Upper Back and Neck
Slouching or allowing your chin to jut forward while in Easy Pose can strain your neck or upper back.


Lift the breastbone and think in terms of your shoulders broadening away from each other (but not too far back).
Draw your chin in toward the front of your neck and imagine the back of your neck being gently pulled upwards.

Lumbar Spine

In this position, you may tend to allow your lower back to curve inwards (as in a backbend), or outwards (arching your back). Both can put pressure on the spine.


If your back is curving inwards, imagine your tailbone sinking toward the floor. This will allow your pelvis to tilt back slightly and the lumbar spine to straighten.
If your back is curving outwards, try to gently tilt the pelvic girdle forwards. Putting a blanket or blocks under the buttocks so that the hips are raised a little can, for some people, make it easier to sit with the pelvis tilted forwards sufficiently.


Sitting in Sukhasana can, in some cases, restrict circulation in the legs. This is something to be especially aware of if you already have a condition that compromises circulation, such as varicose veins or edema, or if you are pregnant. Signs of restricted circulation include numbness or a pins-and-needles sensation in the legs and feet.


Don't pull your feet in too close to your pelvis. Placing them farther away will keep your knees from bending too much. Sitting on some padding can also keep your knees from bending excessively.
Don't stay in the position for too long
Consider an alternative pose, such as Staff Pose (Dandasana)


If your hips are not that flexible, you may not be able to place your knees close to the ground. This can affect the posture and strain your spine.


Place yoga blocks or blankets under your buttocks.
Placing some padding under your knees can also give you more stability and help you feel more grounded in this position.

Feet and Ankles

If the knees are high off the ground this can cause a significant degree of sideways flexion in your ankles, which can be uncomfortable. Or the outside of your ankles may be uncomfortable because they are touching the ground.


Place soft padding underneath the ankles or use two yoga mats.
Tuck each foot under the opposite shin in a traditional cross-legged position.
Bring one heel in towards your groin. The other foot may rest on the floor in front of you so that your heels will line up. This configuration opes your legs a little wider.

Variations. How-to-Do-Easy-Pose (Sukhasana)-in-Yoga-2021

To get more of a feel for your posture, sit with your back to a wall. Wedge a block between the wall and your lower shoulder blades to feel what it is like to sit up straight.

Add seated Cat Cows, forward folds, side stretches, and twists to the pose as a warm-up for the spine.
Try folding forward like a gentle hip opener. Change the cross of your legs and then repeat.