yoga and asanas in 2021: urban yoga gurus

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image source-google | by sarvesh Shashi  

Introduction to yoga

‘Yoga’ is a Sanskrit term meaning ‘to join, unite or yoke together, and the essential purpose of yoga is to bring together body, mind, and spirit into a harmonious whole. 

The central methods of yoga are physical postures or ‘asanas’ and movement, breathing techniques or ‘pranayama and meditation. Yoga includes guidance on healthy lifestyle, eating habits, mental attitude, and Ayurvedic medicine is also part of the Yogic path to health and balance. 

Hatha yoga is the path of physical yoga, which is the most popular branch of yoga in the West. ‘HA’ means ‘SUN’, and ‘THA’, ’MOON’, so Hatha Yoga is the joining, or the yoking together of these different energies in harmonious equilibrium, positive and negative, active and receptive. 

History of yoga

Our knowledge of yoga comes to us mostly from the Yogasutras of Patanjali, who lived sometime during the early Christian era. The Yogasutras is the most authoritative ancient scripture on yoga. However, Patanjali did not invent the system of yoga. It was practiced in the Indian subcontinent much before Patanjali by the followers of Jainism, Saivism, Buddhism, and many ascetic traditions some of which were later integrated into the Vedic religion.

The Indus people were probably familiar with some aspects of yoga. Followers of the Samkhya school used yoga as the means to liberate themselves from the hold of Prakriti. The Samkhya philosophy was probably the oldest of the Indian traditions to use yoga for spiritual liberation. Jain yoga is also considered to be one of the most ancient yoga systems practiced in the Indian subcontinent.

It focused more on self-denial and restraint to the extent of self-mortification as the means to liberation. The Buddha was against hurting the body for spiritual aims. He advocated a softer approach or the middle path in which the emphasis was more on using the right means to achieve the right ends. The ancient Buddhist yoga consisted of the practice of dhyana or meditation and becoming aware of breath and body sensations to cultivate mindfulness.

International yoga day

The International Yoga Day, marked on June 21, since 2015 is a gift of India to the world. The idea to mark the longest day of the year in the Northern Hemisphere, June 21, as the International Yoga Day was proposed by Prime Minister Narendra Modi to the United Nations General Assembly in 2014. Out of the 193 member states of the United Nations, the proposal was approved by 177 co-sponsoring countries.

June 21, the summer solstice, has special significance from the perspective of yoga. The practice of yoga can be traced back to the time of Lord Shiva, who is also known as the Adi Guru – he who is the guru (teacher) to all yogis in the world. It is believed that it was on the day of the summer solstice that Lord Shiva began imparting the knowledge of yoga to the world and became the Adi Guru of yoga. The first full moon after the summer solstice is the Guru Purnima.

In pre-Vedic times, yoga is said to have been a part of the lifestyle of the Indians. Maharishi Patanjali codified and organized yoga postures or practices in the Yoga Sutras.

In 1893, Swami Vivekananda had also introduced yoga to the West in his address to the World Parliament of Religions in Chicago.

Yoga is an important part of Indian culture and civilization. The practice of yoga is not just beneficial for the body alone; it brings it in alignment with the mind and soul too through the breath.


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image source- google | by beginner

Top 10 benefits of yoga

help you in all-around fitness

benefits in weight loss

one of the best solutions for stress relief

Yoga helps for inner peace

It Improves Immunity

The practice of Yoga Offers Greater Awareness

It improves relationships

Also Increases Energy

Gives you Better Flexibility and Posture

Yoga helps in improving intuition

mage source - google | by Sychar

 Top Yoga Poses Perfect for Beginners

Child's Pose.

Forward Fold.

Plank Pose.

Mountain Pose.

Downward Dog.

Top  Most Difficult Yoga Asana Posture

1.Headstand (Sirsasana)

2.The yoga sleep pose (Yoganidrasana)

3.Eight- Angle pose.

4.Crow Pose(Kakasana)

5.The Plow (Halasana)

when to do Yoga?


The very best time to practice yoga is first thing in the morning before breakfast. Upon waking, empty the bowels, shower if you wish, then commence the day with your regime of yoga practices. The second most conductive time is early evening, around sunset

Types of yoga:-

Kundalini yoga:- Yogi Bhajan, teacher, and spiritual leader, brought this style of yoga to the west in the late1960s...Read more

Power Yoga:- Power yoga traces its roots to ashtanga but is less regimented and is more open to interpretation by individual teachers...Read more

Sivananda yoga:- Sivananda yoga is a form of hatha yoga based on the teachings of Hindu spiritual teacher Swami Sivananda...Read more

Restorative Yoga:- if you walked by the Restorative yoga class, you might think everyone was taking a nap on their mat...Read more

Prenatal Yoga:- yoga can be a wonderful workout for moms to be. it often focuses on easing pains associate with pregnancy... Read more

Aerial Yoga:- Aerial yoga sometimes called Anti-Gravity yoga - is relatively new, but quickly catching on. It involves a traditional yoga pose...Read more

Acro Yoga:- Acro yoga takes familiar yoga pose-like downward dog and plank...Read more

Vinyasa Yoga:- Vinyasa yoga is called "Flow Yoga" or  "Vinyasa Yoga". It is an incredibly common style...Read more

Hatha Yoga:- Hata Yoga derives its name from the Sanskrit Word for sun and moon, and it's designed to balance opposing forces...Read more

Ashtanga yoga:- Asthanga Yoga consist of six series of specific poses taught in order...Read more

yin yoga:- Yin Yoga is a slower style of yoga in which poses are held for a minute and eventually up to five minutes or more...Read more

Iyengar yoga:- Iyengar Yoga is popular in the US in the 1970s...Read more

Bikram Yoga:- Bikram yoga is a form of hot yoga...Read more


Poses of yoga

1.            Adho Mukha Shvanasana (downward dog)

2.            Ardha Padmasana (half-lotus)

3.            Baddha Konasana (bound angle)

4.            Dvi Pada Kaundinyasana (two-legged Kaundinya)

5.            Parivritta Trikonasana (reverse triangle)

6.            Prasarita Padottanasana (wide stance forward bend)

7.            Salamba Shirshasana (supported headstand)

8.            Supta Virasana (reclining hero)

9.            Upavishta Konasana (wide-angle seated forward bend)

10.          Urdhva Dhanurasana (upwards bow)

11.          Utthita Parsvakonasana (extended side angle)

12.          Viparita Dandasana (inverted staff)

“Yoga is the ultimate practice. It includes our inner light and quiets our active minds. It's both energy and rest. Yin and Yang. We feel the burn and find our bliss.” — Beachbody Yoga Expert Elise Joan.


This is about yoga poses and asanas. I hope you like this information or and more yoga-related information stay tuned with us thankyou.